Most people come to therapy because they’re stuck in some way. Their usual ways of dealing with things have stopped working and they’re not sure what else to do; their nervous system and coping strategies have been hijacked by past traumas. They are frustrated,unhappy, and distrustful of who they are. Before Human Design, I would […]
Neurofeedback Intensive in the time of Covid-19 — the Second Two Weeks

The first two weeks of doing NeurOptimal neurofeedback twice a day were subtle but powerful, as I described in my first blog post: Neurofeedback Intensive in the Time of Covid-19 — The First Two Weeks After the second two weeks…. I notice a different kind of clarity to my thinking. Without the “noise” — which […]
Neurofeedback Intensive in the Time of Covid-19 — First Two Weeks

I started doing a twice-a-day-for 30-days neurofeedback regimen for myself because I had the system home with me, and suddenly I had the time! I have done it twice before, a few years ago, and it was a powerful reset. The times are so intense now, I thought I could use another round. I typically […]
Self-Care Tools to Get You Through the Day

With everything going on these days, it’s helpful to have some different perspectives and extra tools to get us through the day. Here are a few for you to try. 1. Recognize that you are carrying a heavy load. It really is a load, and it really is heavy. Your conscious mind may have relegated […]
Radio Interviews
Come check out these radio interviews I did with CUTV News Radio about the work that I do. There are two parts, please enjoy when you have the time to learn more about my process. Part One Link Here Part Two Link Here
Seeing Life in Person

I was listening to Tim Ferriss’ podcast with Walter Isaacson, president of the Aspen Institute, author of the Steve Jobs biography and most recently the biography of Leonardo daVinci. Something he said struck me — he always likes to physically visit the things he is writing about. For example, he went to Venice and persuaded […]
My 4 Top Game Changers

In my ongoing exploration of paths of transformation, I’ve tried a lot of different things. Some have been pretty good, some of been wrong-thing or wrong-time; a few have been life-changing. I wanted to share the top four of the life-changing variety. I’m not including things like “getting married” or “having kids,” though they certainly […]
Issues Big and Small

As a therapist, I’ve worked with people on issues that run the full gamut of life, from the devastatingly traumatizing to the relatively benign. To me, the issues are all real, all deserving of honoring. Some of my clients feel guilty about having trouble with issues they feel they should be able to just “get […]
Neurofeedback Intensive — Two Months Later

After doing the neurofeedback intensive – doing sessions twice a day for 30 days – I was curious to see how the transformations I experienced would hold up. Helpfully, two of my clients wanted to try it too, and they went through their own transformative process. So now we have an N = 3. Common […]
There is no There

One of the elusive promises that has pulled me forward and inspired many of my explorations has been the one that if I just find the right Answer – especially about who I am and what I’m “supposed” to be doing here in this lifetime – then I will get “there” and life will finally […]