energy psychotherapy

My 4 Top Game Changers

In my ongoing exploration of paths of transformation, I’ve tried a lot of different things. Some have been pretty good, some of been wrong-thing or wrong-time; a few have been life-changing. I wanted to share the top four of the life-changing variety. I’m not including things like “getting married” or “having kids,” though they certainly […]


There is no There

leafy pathway

One of the elusive promises that has pulled me forward and inspired many of my explorations has been the one that if I just find the right Answer – especially about who I am and what I’m “supposed” to be doing here in this lifetime – then I will get “there” and life will finally […]

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The Myth of “You Can Be Anything”

energy psychotherapy

There is a dearly held belief in our culture about the possibility of being anything in this lifetime. I think culturally it’s more about the possibility of opportunity – that if your passion is insects, you can become an expert in bugs. If you want to be an astronaut, there are paths you can take […]