Manifesting Generators — 33% of the population

Main characteristics:

  • Enveloping aura
  • Here to work — the “builders”
  • Cooperative team players
  • Strategy is to respond
  • Have shorter lag time between response and action

Everything described above about pure Generators is also true for Manifesting Generators. 

But MG’s have special twists to their designs.

If you have a defined Throat Center that’s connected to either the Root, Solar Plexus, or Heart, then you’re a Manifesting Generator.

You are also here to respond, in order to access that amazing life force energy. But your defined throat means that you can translate that into action very quickly — so quickly, in fact, that you might not realize you’ve “responded” at all. You may mistakenly think that you’ve initiated the action all by yourself — which you may have, if you’ve jumped your lane and are trying to be a Manifestor — but it may just be that your awareness just blew past that part of your process. 

MG’s are about “efficiency,” and are less patient with “process.” You’re going to want to skip over some steps that you think are unnecessary. You may need to go back to re-do those skipped steps later, though. Or have pure Generators following behind you, filling in the gaps.

Pure Generators are better at process, at being thorough. They can seem impossibly slow to MG’s, who want to get the job done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

The zeal (and gift) for efficiency means that you also have an issue with patience. It’s hard for you. But it’s important for you to practice cultivating it so you don’t alienate everyone around you. Every Type has a role to play and gifts to bring, so practice your deep breathing when you want to scream at people to hurry up!

Even though you need to respond to something to know if it’s correct for you, MG’s have another step that is part of their process. Once you get the affirmative “uh-hunh,” you need to take some steps in that direction, and then check again. Is it still correct for you, now that you are actually in that energy stream, experiencing it? You get to change your mind. Give yourself permission to pivot.

I had a client come in wanting to work on what she felt was an issue of “indecisiveness.” She would make a decision, start doing whatever it was, then change her mind and stop, or reverse course. It drove her partner crazy. It drove her crazy, because she felt it was a character flaw. Once I explained to her (she was a Manifesting Generator) about this two-step process, the light bulb went off in her head. It explained a lot! 

And all she really needed to do with her partner is explain it to him. It can go a long way if you say in response to something, “I think so, but I need to check it out to know for sure.” And then later, if necessary, “This just feels all wrong. I don’t want to do it.”

While Generators love the opportunity to commit huge amounts of energy to a project they love, and can determinedly stay with it to achieve unbelievable results, MG’s are more likely to want to break new ground, try something different, and/or have lots of different things going on at once. 

Generators see others as potential helpers, bringing fresh energy to a project. MG’s tend to see others as potential obstacles — too slow! — and would as often as not just rather do it themselves. 

So it’s a balancing act for MG’s — needing the freedom to break new ground, move on to the next project, and “go for it” in general while at the same time paying attention to their gut response, taking a deep breath before they launch into action, and respecting those around them.

Your intensity is truly awesome, and the MG’s of the world can really “get s**t done.” Just make sure all that intensity is lined up with the life force of the universe, and there is no stopping you.