
My 4 Top Game Changers

In my ongoing exploration of paths of transformation, I’ve tried a lot of different things. Some have been pretty good, some of been wrong-thing or wrong-time; a few have been life-changing. I wanted to share the top four of the life-changing variety. I’m not including things like “getting married” or “having kids,” though they certainly […]


There is no There

leafy pathway

One of the elusive promises that has pulled me forward and inspired many of my explorations has been the one that if I just find the right Answer – especially about who I am and what I’m “supposed” to be doing here in this lifetime – then I will get “there” and life will finally […]

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Getting Unstuck With Gentle Dynamite — Intensive Neurofeedback

First let me say that I do better with shorter, more intensive experiences than longer, more drawn out and systematic experiences. I’m better at sprints than marathons. This experiment was definitely an all-out sprint, and would not be suited for those whose systems prefer marathons. Inspired by a post in a neurofeedback community, I did […]

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Surrendering to What Is


After this past week’s elections, I’ve been thinking a lot about Michael Singer’s book, “The Surrender Experiment.” In it, he describes his life-long experiment with, and practice of surrendering to Life when Life clearly won’t let go. In this case, “surrendering” doesn’t mean becoming passive. It doesn’t necessarily mean giving up. What it does mean […]

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Is There Something Else Besides Anti-Depressants If I’m Depressed?


Hell, yes. Anti-depressants have been over-prescribed for years. Kelly Brogan, MD wrote in “What’s the Harm in Taking an Antidepressant?” that, “Having always represented antidepressants as safe and effective to my patients, I put down my prescription pad after learning 3 facts about psychiatric medications: 1. They result in worse long-term outcomes [1] 2. They […]

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Neurofeedback and Post-Cancer Cognitive Impairment or “Chemo Brain”


For many people going through the challenges of cancer and its treatment, the effects of chemotherapy can be especially challenging. Apart from the physical effects of all those toxic chemicals in your body, it can also significantly affect your cognitive functioning — known as “chemo brain” — which then has a significant impact on your […]

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The Myth of “You Can Be Anything”

energy psychotherapy

There is a dearly held belief in our culture about the possibility of being anything in this lifetime. I think culturally it’s more about the possibility of opportunity – that if your passion is insects, you can become an expert in bugs. If you want to be an astronaut, there are paths you can take […]


Psychotherapy on Steroids

I’ve always been interested in “what works,” as far as growth and healing is concerned. Maybe I’ve been a tough case, but a lot didn’t work for me, either as a client in psychotherapy looking for relief, or as a psychotherapist wanting to help others find relief. Over the years I’ve trained in many different […]

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ADD/ADHD and Neurofeedback


Many of my clients come to me because they or their child has been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD, and they want to either minimize the need for medication, or avoid it altogether. Some come because even though they haven’t been officially diagnosed with ADD, they have trouble with focus, organization, procrastination, stress and overwhelm. […]

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