Generators — 37% of the population

Main characteristics:

  • Enveloping aura
  • Here to work — the “builders”
  • Cooperative team players
  • Strategy is to wait to respond

The mantra for Generators is, “There’s not enough action I can take to overcome wrong energy.”

You’re a Generator if the Sacral Center — the red square second from the bottom — is defined. You’re a “pure” Generator if your Throat Center is not directly connected to a motor (Solar Plexus, Root,or Heart); you’re a Manifesting Generator if it is (and more on that below).

What is written below about pure Generators is also true for Manifesting Generators; and there is more about Manifesting Generators after that.

The Awesome Power of Your Defined Sacral

The Sacral is the center for life force of the universe. It’s phenomenally powerful, and Generators have consistent access to that. But — they can only access in response to something. This is hugely important.

Waiting to Respond is Your Key to Everything

Most of us have been conditioned to “make things happen,” to “pull ourselves up by our bootstraps,” to “create our own opportunities,” etc. etc. We’ve been taught that we can’t just wait for opportunities to come knocking on our door. 

And yet, that is exactly what Generators need to do. “Waiting to respond” is the key to success and happiness for a Generator. If you try to initiate, to make something happen, or impose yourself on something or someone, you’re going to run into all kinds of obstacles and end up really frustrated.

You’re here to respond to energy that is already in motion. That Sacral energy is accessed by responding to everything Life brings you. You’ll know if something is correct for you from a very primal response — a gut response — that you may experience as a gutteral “uh-hunh” or “unh unh,” or a subtle pull toward/expanding, or cringing/contracting away from. 

This is not something your mind has any say over, which will drive it nuts, since we’ve mostly been conditioned to value our minds over everything else. It loves to be in charge, and it thinks it knows how best to run — even save — our lives.

But if you’re a Generator, it’s your gut response that will best guide you. Every time.

Your mind — convinced of its superiority — will want to question whatever gut response you may get, but there is no explaining it. Your gut is taking in and processing billions more bits of information than your plodding mind will ever be able to do, and in a fraction of the time. 

A great example of this was a Generator woman I know who was pregnant and had unfortunate bouts of dizziness. She was driving down a busy highway in rush hour, coming to a junction with another highway, when she felt herself get seriously dizzy. About-to-pass-out dizzy. So her gut took over from her mind, and somehow got her across six lanes of traffic, and up an exit ramp without hitting anything or getting hit herself. She ran down the stop sign at the top of the ramp, that was it.

Can you imagine if, at 65 mph, she asked her mind to figure out the angles, rates of speed, pros and cons of various scenarios, etc. etc as a way of getting her safely off the road? In split seconds, her gut knew exactly what to do and did it.  

Your mind is great at taking in and organizing information and ideas, playing with patterns, going over experiences again and again to make sense of things. But it is terrible at evaluating any of it.  It can never let go of anything, so whatever direction you choose with your mind, the other direction will say, “but what about me?” 

It’s your Sacral response that knows. “I can’t explain it, it just feels right.”

Reclaiming Your Connection to Your Sacral/Gut Response

For many Generators, they’ve been conditioned so hard to value their minds over their gut that they’ve lost the experience of what that Sacral response feels like. It’s actually fairly straightforward to reclaim — have people ask you multiple choice or yes/no questions. Notice what happens in your body. Do it again and again. Actually, do it for the rest of your life!

It’s more helpful to have the energy of someone outside of yourself to ask the questions, instead of just thinking it to yourself, which ends up being another mind game.

Open-ended questions are a Generator’s nightmare. “What do you want to do?” gives you nothing to respond to. But “do you want to go to the movies / go bowling / eat a pizza / etc” gives you something with specific energy that your Sacral can then respond to and guide you with.

Here’s another important thing to remember — letting yourself respond in the moment to whatever life brings you is going to reduce your stress and anxiety. I work with so many people that feel high levels of stress and anxiety, even panic, because they’re trying to figure out what to do about something in the future. 

Your mind may try to protect you by trying to predict every eventuality, so you’re not caught unprepared. It’s not terrible to try to figure out what may come down the pike. Where you might jump the tracks is in trying to decide ahead of time what to do. The fact is that it’s not here yet, so there’s no energy to respond to, so you can’t know. And your mind insisting that your Sacral make a decision that it can’t possibly make creates a tremendous amount of anxiety.

So let your mind play around with its scenarios. But hold off on deciding on any of them until you have something real, with actual energy, to respond to.  

“But What If Nothing Comes…?”

For Generators, often the biggest fear is that if they don’t initiate, if they don’t go after something, then nothing will happen. But know that you have a built-in mechanism for drawing everything to you — your aura is “enveloping,” drawing Life to you like a magnet. People will be drawn to you. Life will be drawn to you. Trust that, and your life will be transformed.

Waiting is also not the same thing as doing nothing. Life is bringing you things to respond to all the time, so you can be happily doing lots of things as Life continues to bring you more and more opportunities.

“…Or If I Don’t Want to Hear It?”

Another big fear for Generators in trusting their Sacral response is that their gut will tell them something their mind doesn’t want to hear! For example, let’s say you are a committed vegan, for moral, ethical, and environmental reasons. But when asked, you get a big uh-hunh! from your Sacral in response to a steak! 

Or maybe it’s about your work, or your partner, or something that has bigger implications than just what to do that night. It can be scary to trust your gut over your mind, when your mind has been running the show for so long, and has all kinds of justifications to support its stances.But remember your mantra — “There’s not enough action you can take to overcome wrong energy.” If your gut is telling you “un-unh,” then there is nothing you can do that’s going to make it right, regardless of the tantrums your mind throws about it. And it will! 

Work and Generators

Knowing yourself is one of the most important drivers for Generators. And doing work you love is one of the main ways you do that. Paying attention to how you respond to people and opportunities lets you know what your values are, what is important to you, who you are.

Work is extremely important to a Generator. That is, work that you love is extremely important to a Generator. Generators are the “builders”  on our planet. Your connection to that life force energy means you can work harder and longer than anyone else.

That correct connection to the life force energy means that you are being pulled along, literally “in the flow,” by the life force. If you try to do things because your mind thinks you should for whatever reason — outside pressure, guilt, trauma patterns, fear — then you’ve disconnected yourself from this energy and have to manufacture it all yourself. That is unsustainable, and leads to frustration, burnout, even illness. 

Because Generators do best joining their energy with energy already in motion, you usually work well in groups. You can also do just fine working on your own, but collaborating with others, having lots of energies coming together toward a goal, is great for you.

The Inevitable Plateaus

One more thing to keep in mind — even after you get that affirmative “un-hunh” response that lets you know your Sacral and therefore the Universe is on board, there are going to be times along that path where the energy is going to dry up. You’ll hit a plateau. Don’t worry about it — it’s going to happen, it doesn’t mean you were wrong, or are wrong.

The way to handle it is to either wait it out, or to find something different in the current situation to respond to that gets your energy re-connected again.  

Sleep Strategy

In terms of sleeping habits, it’s best for Generators to go to bed when they’re exhausted, having used up all the energy in their tanks for the day. So having ways of discharging that on a regular basis is important.