
Seeing Life in Person

I was listening to Tim Ferriss’ podcast with Walter Isaacson, president of the Aspen Institute, author of the Steve Jobs biography and most recently the biography of Leonardo daVinci. Something he said struck me — he always likes to physically visit the things he is writing about. For example, he went to Venice and persuaded […]

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My 4 Top Game Changers

In my ongoing exploration of paths of transformation, I’ve tried a lot of different things. Some have been pretty good, some of been wrong-thing or wrong-time; a few have been life-changing. I wanted to share the top four of the life-changing variety. I’m not including things like “getting married” or “having kids,” though they certainly […]


Getting Unstuck With Gentle Dynamite — Intensive Neurofeedback

First let me say that I do better with shorter, more intensive experiences than longer, more drawn out and systematic experiences. I’m better at sprints than marathons. This experiment was definitely an all-out sprint, and would not be suited for those whose systems prefer marathons. Inspired by a post in a neurofeedback community, I did […]

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